Search by author: Eva Borger

Eva Borger

The State of Open Data 2019

Every year Digital Science, in association with Figshare and Springer Nature, conduct this survey to discover global attitudes towards open data. If you are a researcher we want to hear from you, no matter the…

Data about St Andrews Open data

It has been a while, since we stepped back and had a look at what we have collected in our research data repository in St Andrews. So, what has happened since February 2018? We have now recorded a total of 1642 dataset…

Happy #lovedataweek!

This week marks Love Data Week 2019 , an annual social media event coordinated by research data specialists, mostly working in academic and research libraries or data archives or centers. Similar to Open Access Week,…

Funders commit to implementing ORCID iDs

Funder open letter ORCID have published an open letter from funders who are committed to implementing ORCID iDs in accordance with best practice guidelines to make data sharing easier. Funders who have signed the…