Breaking free – out of embargo
The route to Open Access can be surprisingly long and winding. In this last post for Open Access Week 2018 we look at some examples of publications that are now freely available to all from our repository – in most…
The route to Open Access can be surprisingly long and winding. In this last post for Open Access Week 2018 we look at some examples of publications that are now freely available to all from our repository – in most…
As part of #ThesisThursday in Open Access Week we are pleased to host a fascinating guest post from our colleagues in the Library E-theses team: Why do we make research theses available in the St Andrews Research…
To mark the 15,000th item deposited in the St Andrews Research Repository the Open Access Support team is pleased to publish a guest post by its co-author, Andy Gardner: Dyble, M, Gardner, A, Vinicius, L & Migliano, A…