Search by tag: research data

Data Management Plans – plan ahead now

An important component of research data management is a sound data management plan (DMP). It is good practice to have one at the start of any research project, but even more so, many funders now require a DMP…

Get up to speed with the GDPR!

The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 is fast approaching. If your research involves working with people or data about them, then this new framework for legal and ethical…

Deposit of data underpinning theses, #lovedata18

In our last post to mark Love Data Week 2018 we summarise the work done towards the deposit of data underpinning theses. It is almost a year ago that the Research Data Management (RDM) team began work on a process for…

Our Research Data Management journey, #lovedata18

In our third post to mark Love Data Week 2018 we will talk about what the RDM team have been up to during the past years. The RDM team was formed in May 2015 as a response to the EPSRC policy on research data and with…

An astronomy perspective, #lovedata18

Our second post to mark Love Data Week 2018 is a contribution by Anne-Marie Weijmans and Vivienne Wild from the School of Physics and Astronomy. This is their data journey as astronomers: As astronomers we face an…

A longitudinal data journey

The first in our series of posts to mark Love Data Week 2018 comes from Dr Fiona Cox, Research Fellow in the School of Geography & Sustainable Development. We asked Fiona about her data journey: What type or types of…

Love Data Week 2018

Happy Love Data Week! This week, we are planning to mark Love Data week 2018 ( by publishing a number of blog posts about data and data management in St Andrews. Watch this space to hear about…

Survey on database use by researchers

The team behind the Online Research Database Service (ORDS) at the University of Oxford are running a short survey on behalf of Jisc, looking at how researchers choose and use databases to manage research data: If you…